There could be several reasons for tooth pain that won’t go away, including decay, teeth impaction, or tooth malposition that could be overcrowding the rest of your teeth. Since the pain for each of these is very similar, you must consult with a specialist to get an accurate diagnosis. The oral surgeons at SF Oral Surgery can determine whether tooth extraction will be needed to help you with your pain.
Impacted Wisdom Teeth Could Be Causing Pain
Common painful toothaches can come from your wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth, also known as your third molars, will cause excessive pain when they are coming in, or erupting, because they are putting extra pressure on the rest of your teeth, your gums, and your jawbones.
As wisdom teeth are typically the last set of teeth to erupt, they are often partially impacted, making it difficult to clean around them adequately. They may also potentially disrupt the position of the rest of your teeth. Because of this, you can be prone to infections from impacted third molars, your other adult teeth can develop cavities, you may develop gum disease in hard-to-clean locations, or all of your other teeth may even be moved out of place. To prevent damage to your gums, jaws, or other teeth, you should consider wisdom tooth extraction before they potentially progress into a major issue that negatively impacts your oral health.
Signs You May Need A Tooth Extraction
Tooth extraction is one of the many procedures that SF Oral Surgery offers for its patients to treat dental issues like overcrowding, gum disease, tooth decay or oral infections – as well as the pain these conditions cause. Before you schedule an appointment, you may need some reassurance that you need tooth extraction as a treatment. San Francisco residents should seek out tooth extraction as a solution if they are experiencing:

Tooth Decay:
Your tooth could have decayed to the point of necessary extraction. Tooth decay is the primary reason you will feel pain in your teeth, and advanced tooth decay is one of the most common signs that you may need a tooth extraction. Tooth decay can eventually cause long-term pain that will not go away on its own, constant bad breath, and other persistent oral health conditions.

Your teeth are coming in painfully. If your teeth seem to be gradually pushing together, this could be due to overcrowding. Eventually, crowded teeth will lead to discomfort and possibly the displacement of other teeth. Also, you may have difficulty cleaning your teeth, which can lead to painful bacterial infections.

You may have an infection of your teeth or gums. If you have ignored any pain that you have been feeling in your teeth, the dental decay may have worsened over time and can lead to an infection. The bacteria then can spread to affect other teeth, gums, or even your jaw and face.
If any of these are the case for you, it’s recommended that you consider tooth extraction as a possibility. San Francisco patients that are experiencing pain, overcrowding, or sensitivity in their teeth should immediately seek out an oral surgeon who can help you address the issue. At SF Oral Surgery, our oral surgeons provide surgical services, including tooth extraction, that can help relieve your pain.
If you are feeling any type of tooth pain, you should find out if a tooth extraction is the right choice for you. At SF Oral Surgery, our oral surgeons can help treat you and restore your oral health.
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