Am I A Good Candidate For Dental Implants?

Our doctors at SF Oral Surgery are committed to providing patients with the best techniques and technologies available to the field of implant dentistry. Their goal is to provide treatment plans that meet the specific needs of each individual who walks through their door! If you’re looking for a team of professionals dedicated to providing you with improved oral health and an aesthetically pleasing smile, our doctors can help!...
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5 Tips To Help Choose The Right Implant Dentist For You

Do you have severely damaged or diseased teeth? Loose teeth? Missing teeth? If so, you’re probably on the hunt for an implant dentistry professional in the San Francisco area. We know how hard it can be to find the right person for the job, so we’re giving you 5 tips to help choose the right implant dentist for you, so keep reading!...
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What Does The Dental Implant Process Involve?

Dental implants are one of the most commonly performed oral surgery procedures at SF Oral Surgery. The process involves replacing a damaged tooth or teeth with a replacement crown anchored into the jawbone. Dental implants are generally considered to be more effective than dentures due to their increased durability and the fact that they require less daily maintenance than dentures, which makes implant dentistry a......
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What Are The Restrictions After Dental Implant Surgery?

Older man with glasses in suit   sf oral surgery
Dental implants are one of the most common surgical procedures performed around the country. While the vast majority of them are low risk and have no complications, it is still very much a surgical procedure, and as such, there are considerations a patient must take into account after successful dental implant surgery is completed. If a San Francisco patient has recently had dental implants put...
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Periodontal Disease And Dental Implants

Dental implants are often a popular choice for SF patients who need to replace lost teeth for either cosmetic or medical reasons. They are often a more effective long-term solution than dentures because they are stronger and do not require the same level of day-to-day maintenance. However, having dental implants put in is still a surgical procedure, and as such, a patient in SF must......
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Five Simple Steps to Prevent Tooth Loss

Tooth loss is often the last stage that a patient in San Francisco will go through when a tooth has had poor oral health for quite some time. This kind of loss often results in needing implant dentistry. Tooth loss is something that is, however, highly preventable, and the majority of the things that can be done to prevent it are both easy to accomplish......
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Factors That Can Affect Dental Implant Success

Dental implants are often an excellent option for patients who, for cosmetic reasons or otherwise, need to have a tooth, or multiple teeth, removed and replaced. And while this is not a procedure to be afraid of in any way, it is still a surgical procedure nonetheless, and as such, our San Francisco doctors often receive many questions about it from patients beforehand, especially surrounding......
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Dentures Do’s and Don’ts

While dentures are often very helpful for San Francisco patients, adjusting to them is not something that will happen overnight. It is a process that requires some work on the patient’s part. In order to prolong the life of the dentures and ensure maximum oral health and comfort, here are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind as a patient in San Francisco learns......
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Caring For Your New Dentures

Making the adjustment from having natural teeth to dentures is something that takes time, and a patient should not expect it to be an overnight process. Once a patient in San Francisco has been sent home with a new set of dentures, there are basic things that a patient needs to be aware of to maximize both their oral health and the long-term health of......
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