Before you come in to have your dental implants placed at SF Oral Surgery, our doctors want their San Francisco patients to be prepared for their recovery process. Oftentimes, this part of the procedure is overlooked by men and women who are only focused on the new beautiful teeth they will soon enjoy. But, as with any surgery, there will be a recovery process and our doctors want you to know what to expect during that time.
Immediately After Your Dental Implants Procedure
When our doctors have finished placing your dental implants, you will be released to a friend or family member to return home to rest. Your incision sites will need time to heal, and you should not do anything to disturb them on the day of your procedure. San Francisco patients should avoid rinsing, spitting, or touching the wound.
Symptoms You May Experience After Having Your Dental Implants Placed
As with any surgical procedure, there will be certain symptoms you may experience immediately following the placement of your dental implants, and for several days after. San Francisco patients should be prepared for:
• Swelling
This is one of the most common symptoms of dental implants surgery. While it will not be excessive because our doctors use minimally invasive techniques, you’re likely to experience minor swelling. In order to help mitigate this symptom, patients can gently apply ice to the sides of the face in 15-minute increments for the first 24-36 hours after surgery.
• Discomfort
Most dental implants patients choose to receive IV oral anesthesia for their surgery. As the anesthesia begins to wear off, you may experience some mild discomfort. As this happens, San Francisco patients should take their first dose of pain medication. Our doctors recommend first taking one or two Tylenol or Tylenol Extra Strength every three hours for moderate pain. For patients who prefer Advil or Motrin, taking 2-4 tablets of 200 mg every 6-8 hours will help mitigate the discomfort. Dental implants patients who undergo more extensive surgery will receive a prescription for pain medication that should be taken as directed.
Restrictions During Dental Implant Recovery
After you have your dental implants placed, it’s important to remember that you will need to rest and give your body time to heal. In order to aid in the recovery process, our doctors recommend adhering to the following guidelines:
• Eat a diet of soft food. After your dental implants surgery, San Francisco patients should be careful to maintain a diet of soft foods and liquids that are cool or at room temperature. Patients should avoid hot foods and liquids for several days to ensure their gum line is healing well. You will be able to return to your normal diet when chewing feels comfortable.
• Maintain proper oral hygiene. As you heal, your oral care routine will change. The night following your surgery, you should gently rinse with Peridex Oral Rinse for at least 30 seconds. The day after your surgery, rinse with Peridex in the morning following breakfast and before going to sleep. You can continue brushing your teeth a few days after your surgery; however, be sure to take care around the surgical site.
• Limit physical activity. After your dental implants have been placed, our doctors recommend keeping physical activity to a minimum to prevent soreness and bleeding. If you begin to experience discomfort or bleeding during light exercise, stop immediately.
Call SF Oral Surgery Today If You Have Any Additional Questions About The Dental Implant Recovery Process
Our friendly team of professionals values each and every patient. If you still have questions about what you should expect after having your dental implants placed, please do not hesitate to contact us.
You can reach us at our San Francisco office by calling us at (415) 776-6710.