Platelets are one of the three solid components found in the liquid of blood (plasma). The platelets are part of cells that are created in the bone marrow. Plasma that is rich in platelets has five to ten times the average amount of platelets normally found in blood. Because platelet-rich plasma (PRP) contains growth factors that stimulate healing, patients who receive PRP experience less healing time than patients who do not receive this treatment. SF Oral Surgery in San Francisco uses platelet-rich plasma treatments to help our patients in their oral surgery journey.

How Is Platelet-Rich Plasma Harvested?
The procedure for harvesting platelets has evolved from a costly procedure that requires a substantial amount of blood to a method that filters enough platelets from a 20 cc blood sample drawn during surgery. This new technique has resulted in more platelet-rich plasma used at SF Oral Surgery. By being able to apply PRP treatments for a greater number of treatments, our approach to harvesting platelets has led to shorter recovery times for San Francisco patients who require dental implants, wisdom teeth removal, or other oral surgery procedures.
What Are the Benefits of Platelet-Rich Plasma?
The main purpose of platelet-rich plasma is to aid in clotting at surgical sites. Because platelets are formed out of protein, they are able to adhere to broken blood vessels as well as each other, forming a barrier that keeps you from bleeding. A lack of platelets (thrombocytopenia) can cause you to bleed more and bruise easily. You can develop a platelet deficiency from:
- Taking certain medications regularly.
- Drinking too much alcohol.
- Kidney disorders.
- Cancer, such as lymphoma and leukemia.
- Genetic predisposition.
For San Francisco patients with a platelet deficiency, platelet-rich plasma can restore normal function and avoid excess bleeding and discomfort during oral surgery. Even patients with normal platelet counts can benefit from additional platelets as long as they do not exceed the recommended threshold.