Reasons to Consider Dental Implants

At SF Oral Surgery, we strive to provide our patients with missing teeth with the best care possible. Dental implants are often considered as a tooth replacement option when patients begin having complications or problems with their teeth. Implants are the closest thing to having natural teeth, and they work excellently as replacement teeth. There are many benefits as a result of the procedure for......
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Can I Still Smoke if I Get Dental Implants?

If you are considering dental implants in San Francisco, it’s likely that your teeth are a problem for you. You may be searching for dental implants to fix the problem and provide a long-lasting, durable solution. If you were thinking of receiving dental implants, you are headed in the right direction. The only problem is that you are a frequent tobacco smoker, and you may......
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How Can Wisdom Teeth Removal Prevent Future Dental Problems?

Wisdom teeth removal is a very common procedure that many patients undergo every day. Wisdom teeth usually come in, or erupt, for people in their late teens or early twenties. However, the time of wisdom tooth eruption can vary from person to person. Some people may have their wisdom teeth erupt later in life, which can be worse for your dental health. Although they are......
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How Dental Implants Can Restore Your Smile

Your smile is one of the first things people notice when it comes to first impressions. Typically when walking into a room, your smile is what people will pay attention to first. This is because when you are smiling, it shows that you feel confident, happy, and are enjoying yourself. For most people, smiling and laughing comes easily and naturally. If you have great teeth,......
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How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

Among all of the solutions you can choose, dental implants are a popular choice for people with teeth issues. As we age, sometimes we can be a bit neglectful to our dental needs. Flossing and brushing regularly can seem like a daunting chore. Over time, we may end up needing a little extra help to fix our smiles and restore our teeth. Some people may......
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5 Questions to Ask Your Oral Surgeon

If you’re considering oral surgery in San Francisco, here are questions you should ask your surgeon: What are the details of my procedure? You should always be informed of exactly what’s going to happen during your procedure. Your San Francisco oral surgeon should let you know the details of what will happen, and what the desired outcome will be. It’s important that you feel comfortable......
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What Is TMJ Disorder and How Can a San Francisco Oral Surgeon Help?

SF Oral Surgery treats patients for a variety of concerns. Some have very obvious symptoms, like missing or damaged teeth. Others are more subtle but require care just as immediately. For San Francisco patients, TMJ disorder often falls into the latter category. Understanding TMJ The “TMJ” in TMJ disorder stands for temporomandibular joint. This refers to the joints in your jaw. Problems here may present......
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Why Should San Francisco Patients Choose All-on-4 Over Regular Dental Implants?

Dental implants offer a lasting, natural-looking solution to missing teeth. While the solution works for many patients, the specific approach that your oral surgeon uses will depend on your needs. At SF Oral Surgery, Dr. Chan, Dr. Rittenbach, and Dr. Yang offer both regular dental implants and the All-on-4® treatment concept: With regular dental implants, your oral surgeon creates a replacement tooth root and attaches......
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How Do I Know if I Have an Impacted Tooth?

Close up of woman with a big smile and white teeth   sf oral surgery
An impacted tooth is trapped within the gum or jaw and has not grown in normally for some reason. The longer San Francisco patients wait to address an impacted tooth, the more potential there is for a complicated procedure that requires more extensive oral surgery. What Are the Symptoms of an Impacted Tooth? San Francisco patients diagnosed with an impacted tooth may not experience any...
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